Toronto 机场 的 SIXT 汽车租赁

排名 #2 从 24 比较 Toronto 机场 的汽车租赁公司
SIXT 在 Toronto 机场 的汽车租赁
SIXT 在 Toronto 机场 的汽车租赁

评分为 8.9/满分 10 分

85 / 100
16 分钟
92 / 100
93 / 100
flag 取车
84 / 100
93 / 100

航站楼中的租车台 |乘班车取车。

* 根据总共 30 条评论中的 13 条最新评论计算得出。

SIXT 在 Toronto 机场 的租车服务台在哪里?

Your way to SIXT/Shuttle Service Our courtesy shuttle will pick you up from the Viscount station, which is part of Toronto Pearson Airport. You can easily reach the Viscount station from any terminal by using the free airport Link train. The Link train operates 24-hours a day, with trains departing from all stations every 4 to 8 minutes. From the Viscount station, the SIXT branch is 0.8 km away which is approximately a 3 to 5 minute drive. To access the Link train from Terminal 1: Please follow the directional signs to Parking Garage/Off-Airport Car Rentals/Sheraton Hotel. The platform is located on level 5 of the Terminal 1 parking garage. To access the Link train from Terminal 3: Please follow the directional signs to Sheraton Hotel/Off-Airport Car Rentals. The platform is located on level 3 of the Terminal. Once you have arrived at the Viscount station, please proceed downstairs where you will find a courtesy phone inside the building to call for a pick up. Our SIXT shuttles are black Mercedes Benz Sprinter Passenger Vans with the SIXT logo on the exterior. If you have questions or concerns, please call the SIXT branch at +1-437-253-6999. Return information Please park in any designated SIXT parking space and enter the SIXT branch. We will be happy to arrange a shuttle ride to the Viscount station which is part of Toronto Pearson Airport. From the Viscount station you can easily return to any terminal by using the free airport Link train. The Link train operates 24-hours a day, with trains departing from all stations every 4 to 8 minutes. Thank you for choosing SIXT!

在 Toronto 机场 的 SIXT 租车服务台地图

SIXT 在 Toronto 机场 的营业时间是什么?

周几 正在营业 关门
周一 06:00 23:00
周二 06:00 23:00
周三 06:00 23:00
周四 06:00 23:00
周五 06:00 23:00
周六 06:00 23:00
周日 06:00 23:00

在 Toronto 机场 的 SIXT 租赁服务台位于:

Sixt Us Corporate

Unit 158-5945 Airport Rd, Mississauga, L4V 1R9, ON

Tel: +1-8887498227

租车服务台地点: 航站楼中的租车台 |乘班车取车。




可从 Sixt 在 Toronto 机场 租用的汽车品牌

Sixt 有来自 15 制造商 的 6 不同类型的车辆 可在 Toronto 机场 租用。